Today could finish with Lance in Yellow, in the last major town in France before we enter Spain and the food and wine flavor profile changes. Splurge with a lovely big red like a Domaine Gauby Cotes du Roussillon Villages Muntada, and pair it with a big steak, a bit of lamb, or a cassoulet, a stew, which here become spicier with Spanish-style sausage.
Almost the entire second half of this stage is flat and right by the Med, the part the French call the Golfe du Lion. We're getting near the Pyrennees, where we'll see how good Lance's form really is. Right now looks like Saxobank and Astana are duelling it out with 38 miles to go. We'll probably see the adorable Cav hit the finish line first, but will anything in the GC change? Crosswinds could again make a split in the field, but look for Armstrong and Cancellara to shadow each other and stay attached at the hip. Lance might be looking to beat him in a sprint finish. He needs 2 meters, Phil Liggett reckons to end the day in yellow. Believe it or not, this is probably a tall order. What a race!
This area was Salvador Dali's pic for the Centre du Monde, and the city has a decidedly Catalan flair, with street signs in both French and Catalan. I'm sure my Dad has bought himself espadrilles in orange somewhere around here. Nowadays the Spanish expatriates mix comfortably with folks from North Africa, so I'm guessing you could get some fabulous Maroccan or Egyptian cuisine. My mouth is watering.
Cheers, everyone! And here's to comebacks and second chances. Go, Lance!
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